Recurring weekly events:
Monday Cribbage TOURNAMENts
The heated and well-ventilated tent at ColdFire will be reserved for the tournaments where your hosts, Bill & Dave, will take you on a Cribbage Adventure for 2 hours (approx 3-5 games). Our goal is to have a competitive but always FUN cribbage tournament that you'll want to come back and play every Monday. No registration necessary.
100% payout for 1st (66%), 2nd (33%) and 3rd ($5) ColdFire gift cards; the more players that show the bigger the prize so bring a friend!
$3 per player cash only. Boards and cards provided.
Trivia Tuesday
6-8 pm
Hosted in our large, heated tent with Doug and Jenni from Quality Trivia.
Free to play; play to win gift-card prizes! Teams may have up to 6 players, more than 6 results in forfeiting 1st place.
Game night every wednesday
Bring your own table top game or grab one from our large selection. All ages welcome.
Bingo Thursdays
Bingo with Andrew Reff every Thursday in our large, heated tent!
$1/card per card, cash only- gift card prizes!